Sunday, March 1, 2020

Identify Good Funding Sources


Basic: It's important to take time to learn who you are and what you are trying to accomplish to find the best potential sources of funding for your nonprofit. I conduct Discovery Sessions using the Zoom platform so that we can connect face to face. In this 30-minute session, you describe in detail what you want, and if by chance you aren't certain, no problem! I ask questions that will help focus on the exact results you are looking for to move forward. 

Standard: I record these sessions to fully focus on our discussion. It's amazing how many things one can miss by taking notes. I include notes that cover my understanding of our talk, and resources in your local area to answer any follow up questions you have.  

Premium: If you are looking for grant funding, I find 5 potential funding sources that match your mission and priorities who provide the best opportunity to get your project funded, in addition to the recording and notes 


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